Poor Quality Turf

In lawns weeds are often the result of poor quality turf, rather than the cause of poor turf. The aggressive nature of weeds and their prolific reproductive capacity enable them to invade thin, weak turf areas. Cultural practices should always be viewed as the first step to effective weed control. Always determine why weeds established a foothold and correct those deficiencies. If the basic problem is not corrected, weeds will continue to occur.

An effective weed control program also requires identification of the undesirable species as to its classification. Most turf weeds belong to two principal categories – grasses and broadleaf plants. To control weeds in turf Stripes Lawn Care use market leading selective herbicides which have proven effectiveness against a wide range of broad leaved weeds in turf. Most weeds will be controlled by a single application, however certain species that have become hardened may be less susceptible and need re-treating.